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  • Upsilon Omicron Career Symposium Panel on Careers in Law

Upsilon Omicron Career Symposium Panel on Careers in Law

  • October 16, 2024
  • 6:15 PM
  • Olgethorpe University - Turner Lynch Campus Center


Registration is closed

On this Wednesday, October 16 @ 6:30pm, the Upsilon Omicron Chapter seated at Oglethorpe University will host a Career Symposium on Careers in Law.

It will be an informal moderated Panel Discussion featuring Brothers Bobby Daniels, Kevin Marshall, and Bro. President Darryl Haynes.

The expressed purposes for this event are 2-Fold

  1. To elevate awareness and interest in Alpha on Oglethorpe’s Campus, and
  2. Serve the Oglethorpe University Community with a resourceful evening of dialogue around careers in law.

If you plan on attending, I’m asking that you do so in Alpha Business Attire adorned with an Alpha Pin. We want to send a signal to the campus community and potential interest on Campus with the image that Alphas are men of great worth… and so that “...princely men are thereby be recognized".

That said, as an “audience” in attendance, our presence is important, but we also don’t want to overpower the room with our own dialogue and participation. Think of us as the Sphinx that is present in the room; our mere presence speaking for itself. I know… I was waxing a little poetic there, but you get the point.  

The details of the meeting location are found in the attached flyer.

When you arrive on campus, just bear to the right and that road will take you to the Turner Lynch Campus Center (TLCC) and you can find parking nearby. The room is the first conference room to the right when you enter the building.

Please try to arrive no later than 6:15p. Our early arrival will also send a not so subtle signal as to how we move as Alphas.


Bro. Gray

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